[WORKSHOP/ SHORT FILM/ PARTY ] 3/30(Thr/木), 3/31(Fri/金)「ふつうの生活」~サンパウロ災害支援プロジェクト@coohtokyo
![[WORKSHOP/ SHORT FILM/ PARTY ] 3/30(Thr/木), 3/31(Fri/金)「ふつうの生活」~サンパウロ災害支援プロジェクト@coohtokyo](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c33775_390360c33b0747ec85babb8a021c13b6~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_980,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/c33775_390360c33b0747ec85babb8a021c13b6~mv2.jpg)
![[WORKSHOP/ SHORT FILM/ PARTY ] 3/30(Thr/木), 3/31(Fri/金)「ふつうの生活」~サンパウロ災害支援プロジェクト@coohtokyo](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c33775_390360c33b0747ec85babb8a021c13b6~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_980,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/c33775_390360c33b0747ec85babb8a021c13b6~mv2.jpg)
2023年3月30日 18:00 – 2023年3月31日 21:30
新宿区, 日本、〒160-0004 東京都新宿区四谷3丁目6−9 結城ビル 地下一階
30日(木) ~ドキュメンタリー上映、軽食、ブラジルと一緒にヨガ
18:00-19:15 タオ、カイ上映〜 トーク Q&A
19:15-20:00 軽食 呼応セット販売 (玄米おにぎり、おしんこ、お茶 ¥500)
20:00 ブラジルon-line ‐界のいえ@casadokae
20:15-21:00 ヨガ
¥3.000 (軽食はオプショナル)
31日(金) ~ダンスワークショップ、ブラジルと繋がる、パーティ
18:00-20:00 カタとカタなし ダンスワークショップ
20:00 ブラジルon-line ‐みどりの学校@institutoverdescola
20:15-21:30 パーティ (軽食、ドリンク、淑子のブラジル音楽プレイリスト)
¥4.000 (1ドリンク付)
ダンスワークショップのみ参加 3000円
共同プロジェクト:大岩淑子 Art Space呼応 界のいえ
Toshiko Oiwa, a dancer who has performed internationally with the Bill T. Jones Company in the U.S. and Ballet Préliquage in France, is currently living in Brazil with her son Kai, who has Down syndrome, and swimming with him in a world without barriers as they search for ways to live more freely.
During her visit to Japan last year, the "Festival of Ima! and "Tao and Kai" screenings, I remember being simply enveloped by the beautiful and gentle rain that fell on them both. Now, we have realized such a wonderful project with Ms. Toshiko Oiwa.
Below is Toshiko Oiwa's text + additional information from Art Space Co-oh.
"Normal Life" Sao Paulo Disaster Area Support Project @coohtokyo
On February 18, during the Carnaval, many people lost their houses and lives due to heavy rain and landslides in São Sebastião, São Paulo. To help the affected people regain "normal life" as soon as possible, we will hold a disaster relief event at Art Space Yobitori in Tokyo on March 30 and 31!
The event will include dance workshops, yoga with Brazilians online, a live broadcast from a school that is currently an evacuation center, a party with Brazilian music, and much more.
Proceeds from the two-day event will benefit the City of San Sebastian's "Building a Positive Future" initiative.
Thursday, 30
~ Documentary screening, refreshments, Brazilian-style yoga ¥3.000 (refreshments optional)
18:00-19:15 Screening of "Tao and Kai" - Talk Q&A
19:15 - 20:00 Light refreshments, tea ceremony, yoga set for sale (brown rice balls, oshinko, tea ¥500)
20:00 Brazil Online - Kai no Ie @casadokae
20:15-21:00 Yoga
We will analyze the mechanisms of the body and mind based on the experience and knowledge gained from craniosacral and Noguchi Seitai regarding the rebirth of the body that has lost its balance. Let's connect with Brazil through yoga.
Friday, 31st
~Dance Workshop, Connect with Brazil, Party ¥4.000 (with 1 drink)
18:00-20:00 Kata and No Kata (Workshop)
The first half of the dance workshop will use kata (yoga, ballet techniques, etc.) to develop the body for dancing. The first half of the workshop will use kata (yoga, ballet techniques, etc.) to prepare the body for dancing freely with craniosacral body perception to feel muscles, skeleton, spinal fluid, chi, etc. more subtly. The second half, "No Kata," is a work in which solo improvisation is practiced from various angles. Finally, we will improvise a short solo. Target Participants who have been exploring the body for more than 3 years.
20:00 Brazilonline -Midori Academy @institutoverdescola
20:15-21:30 Party (snacks, drinks, Toshiko's Brazilian music playlist)
※31st online & party only (from 20:00) 3.000 yen, children under 12 are half price on both days!
For reservations, please contact coohtokyo@gmail.com
Don't miss this rare opportunity !!!! Enjoy your life;)